
That in turn gave way to the idea of self-replicating

That in turn gave way to the idea of self-replicating nanomachines, an ever growing mass of Buy TESO Gold microscopic robots that could eventually consume all matter on Earth.In the fiction of the game Grey Goo, this ever-growing, always consuming nano-blob is one of three playable factions in the game.

Josh Maida, executive producer at publisher Grey Box, said they went to Weta to get them to breathe life into their idea."We were going to do a sci-fi RTS and that puts us in the same dorm room as other sci-fi RTS," he said. "We didn't think Blizzard should have the monopoly on these games with StarCraft."

Maida said the team went to Weta early on for help with the concepts because they liked what the design house did with ESO Gold for Sale the movie District 9."They're really great to work with," he said.Grey GooPop culture loves its grey goo. Since its first mention in a 1986 magazine article there have been at least five apocalyptic sci-fi books about the molecular nanotech.


