Silicon Sisters Interactive CEO Brenda Bailey Gershkovitch and IndieCade CEO Stephanie Barish."Everyone involved with Buy TESO Gold WIGI is passionate about making the video game industry more inclusive, and we all have amazing ideas about outreach programs we can create to make that happen.
said company president and CEO Belinda Van Sickle."This advisory board will enable us to move forward with some of those initiatives and help us continue supporting existing programs like GameMentorOnline. We can't wait to see what a difference having this group will make for us, and ultimately everyone in the industry."
Women in Games Internation aims to promote the inclusion and advancement of women in the games industrywhile advocating healthy work conditions, new opportunities and a better work/life balance across Buy ESO Gold the board.Citadel Studios, a game company founded by three former Ultima Online developers, is currently working on a multiplayer role-playing game called Shards Online, which focuses on giving players power and freedom, according to co-founders Tim Cotten and Derek Brinkmann.