But at the time, the studio was already working on its first original game, the Xbox Live Arcade title Wreckateer, and didn't have the team size to handle both projects simultaneously."I was always kind of bummed out about it," said Lang. "It's, like, the one that got Cheap TESO Gold away."Then, about four months ago, he got a call from Microsoft.
At that point, Lang wasn't aware of Amazon's plans to buy Double Helix, so Microsoft filled him in, explained that it was looking to transition Killer Instinct to a new developer and asked if he was still interested."I immediately jumped at it. There's nothing we were going to not do to work on it next," said Lang.Double Helix and Microsoft have had an "amicable parting of ways"At the same time, Lang felt some trepidation about "[stepping] on another developer's toes." He wondered if the people at Double Helix would harbor some resentment.
toward the studio replacing them on a game they built from the ground up into a successful reboot of a long-dormant series. But Double Helix and Microsoft have had an "amicable parting of ways," said Lang, adding that the studio has been "really good at handing off stuff to Cheap ESO Gold us and giving us a push.""It's been a privilege to work with our partners at Microsoft to help bring back Killer Instinct. Throughout production, we've been inspired by players and fans to make KI the best it can be. Now, we're excited to join that community, eager to see what the talented team at Iron Galaxy turns loose for season 2.