Results New Nevada was designed by Obsidian and designed by Bethesda. La Noire was designed by Team Bondi and designed by Rockstar. What does this mean?Let me describe it this way. Arkane organizations had this intelligent concept for an activity they known as Dishonored, but Cheap ESO Gold they did not have the cash to make it.
Games have a price to make, after all you have to buy pcs to program, growth offers, pay individuals, pay allows ect. So Arkane organizations did not have the cash to make their action so what do they do? They go to someone who does, i.e. the Creator.
In this situation Bethesda. Bethesda says Okay. We like your concept. We will pay you to make your action, but in come back we want the rights to it. Basically Bethesda buys everything that Arkane organizations wants or needs for their action, and they pay the individuals operating on the action.