
The best imaginable is a peak of four

 The best imaginable is a peak of four or Elder Scrolls Gold five million units if everything works perfectly in your favour. So the bean counters go: 'How do I get a higher ceiling?' And they look at games that have multiplayer. They're wrong, of course. What they should do instead is say that they're comfortable with the ceiling, and get as close to the ceiling as possible.

 Put in whatever investment's required to focus it on what the promise is all about.Since leaving People Can Fly, Chmielarz cofounded The Astronauts, developer of The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, which he says will shy away from having filler simply to justify a $60 price tag.

There is a necessity to add filler in AAA games, whether it be collectibles or one more wave of enemies, Chmielarz said.It's unfortunate, and it's also proof that the world is insane. He points out how players' calls for longer games clash with data suggesting70 or 80 percent of people never finish the game.
