
Their are 2 SEGA PS4 exclusives Yakuza as well as quote on quote

   Their are 2 SEGA PS4 exclusives Yakuza as well as quote on quote  Demon Mood 2 , you will know it when you see it.  Don't neglect SCEJ is huge and under Allan BeckerSSM, SCEJ will be doing wonderful factors next gen and don't neglect SOE who's MMO's will execute a move Elder Scrolls Online Gold on PS4.

Sony is protecting aquariums for when MS has run out of them.3 Price   The Ps3 is $100 more affordable than the System One. This alone will incredibly move the opportunities in the PS4's advantages.4 Sony styles models Entertainment   Microsof company reinforced on the wrong horse, IPTV is the long run not cable.

 Sony styles models is the planet's greatest enjoyment company and has designed shows such as Breaking Bad, movies like Area 9 and selections like  21  by Adele. After a spat between Time Warner and CBS Sony styles models has managed to worms it's way in to acquiring provides with material providers such as Viacom and when exposed next season Sony styles models will have a new  exclusive operate  through Ps3 TV that will be malware horsed by Elder Scrolls Gold the PS4 in the same way Blu-ray was for the PS3 and DVD was for the PS2.