
You can find the t-shirt on the Bungie’s online store

You can find the t-shirt on the Bungie’s online store.Destiny launches September 9 in North America for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, and PS4. A beta for the game kicks off on July 17, first on Elder Scrolls Gold PlayStation systems. For more, check out GameSpot's previous coverage.

Thatgamecompany, the developer of 2012's critically acclaimed PlayStation 3 game Journey, has raised $7 million for its next game, which remains unannounced. In a statement on thatgamecompany's website, the company explained that the funding came from venture capital firm Capital Today and a team of other investors.

These investors, the company says,share our vision in making meaningful interactive experiences that inspire, connect, and emotionally touch the hearts of players around the world.Chen also said thatgamecompany has now enteredthe next phase of development on its upcoming project.

Read more:http://www.esosale.com/